Monday, March 19, 2012

she was a today lover

she was a today lover,
a here lover,
a this is everything i have lover;
a now lover,
sure lover,
an, “are these the limits of your strength,
because if not hug me tighter,” lover.
she was a let’s go lover,
a when you’re ready lover,
an, “i will wait till the sun isn’t shine -
ing, just tell me that you’re mine,” lover.
he was a tomorrow lover
a there and then lover,
an, only if x, y, and z lover,
a future lover,
maybe lover,
an, “if we do, when and how
will we ever make it work?” lover.

he was a let’s see lover,
a give me time lover,
an, “if you are not here with me -
now, we will never be,” lover.
so we swore up and down
like ani -
mated frowns; like
we were right, like
we were wrong
lovers, like
we had
nothing to prove
but our souls to lose, like
we were perfect
yet still stranger -
s, lover.
and somehow, i made
peace with doubt,
(and didn’t shape my mouth,
when she became
a then please don’t call
an i’m here now,
an, “i’ll kiss you til’ you feel,
but for gods sake,
just love me,”
but not peace with eternity
never peace with tomorrow,
tomorrow lovers
are not lovers, and
if you, pebble
wake-ups at their windows
and woo meadows
from their singing,
spread blankets under stars
and hope to god
they hear your soul,
for theirs,
for mine,
because it’s pit -
in the notional,
shadowy fictional
that tomorrow is anything but
with no more greater
all we know
of forever
looks like today
and i had to become,
a forgive me
to find everything i wanted
in her
today lover.

Edward Hopper

A favorite

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

days i dream of august

the only words i dare say

are days,
from another somewhere,
when i,
fit our longings into us
and her brown eyes into my
earth-stained forever,
the forever we both promised, the
it's already august,
the september twenty fifths
and the
fourth st. of daisies
there is a ledge that stands
up to the entrance
of your hello,
and a cliff behind
your i don’t
love you anymore.
without harness,
below steepness,
your facade
invites reckless
for the pure sake of the view within
your come find me
i was cautious
simply want this
but said
you needed to summit
by sunset
and couldn't wait
for the chance to miss it
so i penned my name coward,
on the heels of your
i want us,
because i didn't
climb with you

because i
feared falling, because
i feared a horizon
of not looking out together,
all the while you
knew of places to rest,
that even though you climbed higher
faster, you said
you’d be patient
while i took breath
i was cautious
unlike days i dream
of August,
on that baseball field
in a rain storm,
racing puddles
into fairytales,
where all the clay,
from our head first
plot lines,
weather braving
birds into our soundtrack
if baseball fields
were castles,
and your bare feet chasing mine,
the kiss that broke spells
and ever after,

we transcended fiction,
and became
sleeping beauties and princes
and all the clay,
washed from my striped shirt and jeans
from your green sun dress and feet,
drips to my earth-stained forever,
goddamn i loved her knees

'Musique Seine Michel Bataille et Moi'
by Joan Miro

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

like violin strings and distant windows

when we stood above
the rooftops, of
cities like houses,
we stars;
i knew i meant the things
i said and
you believed the words i spoke;
like pebbles rippling wake
into planetary shores
you took the shape of woman,
colors, broken light,
like stained glass, through
the cathedral
near market
where i stood alone
watching eyes
of children
in the back pew
with fathers hands
and head bowed reverence
like god could hear him,
like god could hear him,
like god
hear me
when i shouted,
each time
reaching for my pocket
just to make sure
we were still there
in the indian stone
all the way to clark beach
peddling affection
into sidewalk cracks
onto grass carpets
and palm tree bike racks
my god
if this was love
i found home
i found eternity
i found place
within a world,
where each day
seems I don’t,
where each day fumbles
the words
I swear eloquently
top the ballads of great composers
so i played
like violin strings
and distant windows, and
god she heard me
I sang, and
like a tea kettle
and a back porch springtime
she heard me
two and one half years a way
she saw me
and stepped to my melody
like i’m singing now
she heard me
to eternal and today
she saw me
and stepped to my melody
like violin strings
and distant windows
let her hear me.