Saturday, February 21, 2015

two twenty one fifteen

there is something admirable
about - 
wearing just the right amount of clothes 
when the weather is cold

it is a balance,
a tipping point 
one can acknowledge their humanness 
yet communicate confidence 
of having dressed accordingly  
yet not superfluously 

it is an art form in my opinion 
i think we all can agree 
there is nothing worse 
than being cold, 
so the tendency would be 
‘better safe than sorry’
how arresting is she
who is warm enough
without too many coats!

if i had one wish tonight 
it would be for
without excess

Sunday, February 15, 2015

only and more beautifully

i don't suppose 
that eternity (or the life after this)
looks and feels anything like we could imagine it to
i want this life
to look and feel most like preparing myself for each of the endless possibilities 

i drink coffee every morning 
first, because i like it 
and second, because it permits me the daily opportunity 
to start out on the note of having gotten something right 

i like to think there will be coffee in eternity 
but if there isn't 
i like to imagine each day, 
(or whatever it is that marks the beginning of everything there),  
will be a constant state of getting something right. 

i love a woman
first, because she is lovely
and second, because she makes me believe that each and every day
really can be as colorful as everything we ever dreamed of;
and yet our love,  
is the slow release 
of all belief 
that blue skies 
are what we even wanted in the first place  
she said
"i want love
to be first place,  
and at that 
to be deeper than the weather forecast; 
i have seen enough grey skies 
to know that the only thing that matters is the hand in mine;
and the someone beside 
to remind us that we
are stronger than all this;
i need you to be stronger than all this." 
so i say love
is not an acquired taste 
or some learned trait, 
but rather the 
permitting of she
to enter deep enough 
to draw out the eternity in me 
i never knew was hiding inside to begin with, 
so that i, 
can be stronger than all this. 

i once thought love
existed to make life better;
i soon learned that love 
is more simply 
a retelling of life's universal struggles, 
and more beautifully, 
with someone alongside encouraging you to keep struggling

i like to imagine that she'll be mine in eternity, 
because i'm certain that love will always be
more simply
a retelling of life's eternal struggles
and more beautifully 
with someone to bring an end to the struggling 

i don't suppose 
that eternity (or the life after this)
looks and feels anything like we could imagine it to
i want today
to look and feel most like preparing ourselves 
and more and more beautifully, 
for the love we're certain of.