Wednesday, February 13, 2013

From Trieste: February 13.

With Andrea Illy & others of the Illy family
at Orientation. 
All of you who know me well, already know that my biggest struggle with distance is staying connected. There is a natural aspect to this, when attempting to embrace the life and community one is immediately surrounded by, but there is a very frustrating, and left wanting side of the equation as well. 

Communication is simple, time is sacrifice; so I apologize for being selfish; and for not taking more of my time to spell out the most recent events in my life. 

In January, I moved to Trieste, Italy to study in a Master’s Program at the University of Udine. The program is in collaboration with another university in Trieste, as well as Illy, a very famous international coffee roasting and packaging company that sponsors the program and many of the students who study here. The program embodies the principles of Science and Economics, within coffee production, trading, and consumption; and is accredited through the Italian University system, with my diploma and transcipts coming out of the University in Udine. 

Masters Class of 2013
Classes span a range of topics within two aspects of the coffee industry. They began in January, and will last until June, totaling 60 credit hours. The program concludes with a thesis, written in the months following the classes, and is presented and defended in front of a board of advisors, professors, and associates involved with the various collaborators for the program. 

At this point in time, we have concluded our first four weeks of classes, and prepare for our second exam this coming Tuesday, in the subject of Industrial Process; our first having been in the subject of Coffee Genetics. 

Finca & Beneficio El Manzano.
As many of you know, during the past year, I have been working in El Salvador, with a farm, mill, and exporting company: Cuatro M, Single Origin Coffees, and thanks to their support have been able to attend the Masters. Upon completing the program, I will move back to El Salvador, to continue my work with Emilio, Diego, and the rest of the friends and family I have made there, about which you have likely heard many stories. 

Like Emilio said the first morning we met at Pollo Campero (for those that don’t know, a very popular fried chicken restaurant in El Salvador), “nothing happens by chance,” and I trust that God is faithful, that there is no place on earth quite like Finca/Beneficio El Manzano, and certainly no place that feels so confidently like home. 

To my family, friends, and professors in South Florida, the lovers in sunny Vero Beach, everyone that makes El Salvador - El Salvador, and those scattered about and abroad, you are loved and missed. Please forgive all that I am lacking. In exchange, I hereby promise to make more of communication. 

Be well.


In the meantime, I will also be writing on behalf of the students of the Masters program for Circolo Illy. You can read a little bit more about the students in my first post here: Michael Kaiser - Circolo Illy. 

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