Tuesday, May 13, 2014

little this little that

friends always ask, what i’m 
gettin’ into
how my day was and
where i’m at 
i always answer 
little this little that 

little this little that 
like the quiet cafe and closing time 
little this little that 
like the growling of my stomach and the side walk to home 
little this little that
like the man in the wheelchair three deep in cheap bottles 
little this little that 
there is an answer to it all 
little this little that 
there is a reason for it also 
i keep telling myself that 
lest i rue against 
the brick walls that stand 
between everything i want and everything i am 

she was 
uniquely she 
she was 
only she 
and a wild flower is for dancing in the breezes
she was 
dancing in the breezes

'so when i first set out to love 
i never thought to build a prison 
but then i built a prison 
and i locked you inside' 

how to tear down a fortress
without breaking into pieces  
all the parts of we
that built it to begin with 
block and mortar
the slip of my confidence her 
warranted caution my 
doubts her 
justified exit sign 

now like suppertime 
little this little that 
like a cool evening and the approaching rain 
little this little that 
i keep telling myself that
like i’ve got all night to find some peace and all eternity to be restored

friends always ask, what i’m 
gettin’ into
how my day was and
where i’m at 
i always answer 
little this little that
"who wishes to walk with me?” 


*quote from walt whitman (song of myself, 51). paragraph in quotes from alan k. and that time we tried to write a song. 

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