Thursday, September 25, 2014

how infinitely hers, i am

in a field of lovelies
she is loveliest;
like all the pretty flowers 
to the one i gathered; like 
all the pretty flowers 
to the one i gave her, 
to the one she held on to

in a sky of lovers 
she is only.
spring, fall;
my fears were dressed for winter, 
she undid them like a warm summer 
never have i been so bare 
and never have i felt so pure  

when i see stars 
their staggered entrance into night 
like dim lit hallways, 
then brilliance; 
it is as though, 
had hoped to remind me
how infinitely here and 
how infinitely heavens'
they are

when stars see me 
my crescendoing reflection in the mirrors of her stare, 

hope they are reminded 
how infinitely here and 
how infinitely hers, 
i am 

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