Monday, November 9, 2015

prelude to 26

andrea fabbiani taught me how to roll cigarettes. rolling cigarettes amongst other things like - how to make bread - how to brew coffee on the stove and - by and large how to be a badass. he taught me how to wait for things. come to think of it, maybe it was the rolling of cigarettes that taught me that but - still i attribute all desire for patience in my daily routine to - his all around ability to make it look so goddam cool. 

we smoked lucky strikes, and would linger at the bus stop after the ride home from class, long enough to roll two or three good smokes to usher us into the prelude to sunset. 

since my twenty fourth birthday - i have called seven different places home; and a month before i turned twenty six, i was just a few days from leaving italy to move back to el salvador. i made a promise to andrea that for my birthday i would write and publish 26 poems. there was this desperate part of myself that needed to gather all the unattachedness of these years and bind it together into something with a spine. 

little did i know that two weeks later, on a back porch in south florida - i would meet a woman who made my heart swell. swell like an ocean - swell like a wave - swell like wave after wave - and day after day, in the years since then we have laughed and we have cried - and like incoming tides - we return, to that desperate part of ourselves that needs to bind it together into something with a spine. 

so call this my prelude - written through cigarette smoke and the fading los angeles daylight. to a promise made over a lucky strike - a promise to a good friend and the glowing mediterranean - a promise i still imagine myself making as i break the surface from these past years with 26 poems i can read out loud. i hope they sound as bright as you all have made me feel. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

saturday in the park, overlooking hollyhock

growing up, my dad was a general contractor. every saturday and during summers, he was notorious for making my brother and i tag along to his construction sites, where he'd give us odd jobs like pushing the wheel barrel to collect all the trash his workers had left laying around. that, or he'd make us load his trailer full of whatever large piles of crap, (tiles, shingles, smashed up concrete, etc.), were piled in the yard. 

when i was seventeen, my dad introduced me to paul simon, and simon has a song called 'so long, frank lloyd wright'. so, on a whim, for one of my dads birthdays, i bought him the biography of frank lloyd wright. it had a cool cover and i had the faintest recollection that wright was an architect, so i connected the dots, and wha-lah! 

but i started to feel guilty about gifting a book i hadn't read, plus my dad is rather conservative, so i was petrified that the book would contain some expletive, or even worse some kind of sexual reference. so the day before his birthday, i read the book - cover to cover. it was the first time i'd ever considered construction - architecture - and the like from a creative perspective. before, it was only piles of broken concrete and empty arizona iced tea cans. 

today my brother is setting off on his own road in design and construction, and he builds some impressive shit. he's always sending me photos of the things he's working on, and it makes me smile to know that even if he calls by a different name, kaiser construction inc. lives on. 

i don't design or build things for a living, but at some point growing up - nature versus nurture sparked a fire big enough to call it all fascinating; and on a cloudy day in northeast los angeles, that's excuse enough to spend all saturday in the park, overlooking hollyhock.

through skid row on a bicycle

i've always thought to myself - poverty smells much worse than it looks. were it the other way around, i imagine we'd be much more compelled to find a resolution to it all. 

we are often content to live with problems we can see, but seldom will we live with a problem we can smell, (at least not quietly anyway). 

everyone has seen poverty on some level or another, and yet there is very little urgency to do something about it. but find someone who can tell you what it really smells like, and i imagine they have a few things to to say on the matter...

Saturday, May 2, 2015


i once said 
that love was never fifty fifty, 
but i was wrong 
to say it so absolutely.
half of love  
is arriving at the places 
where we grasp fully
(after all these years)
that i am not deserving.
the other half of love  
is the entire lifetime 
in proving
to another that they are.  

she draws flowers 
and i write about them 
we are seeds and earth
we are deep beneath the surface
we are gathering our strengths 
and arriving at the places 
where we are grasping fully
that the fracturing of our walls 
permits the roots within ourselves
to spring forth
we are springing forth
like slow motion underground explosions
we are resurrecting
we are taking it all in 
we are not there yet 
but we are the entire lifetime 
in proving 
to each other that we are, 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

[i carry your heart with me(i carry it in]

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in 
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere 
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done 
by only me is your doing,my darling) 
                                                      i fear 
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want 
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true) 
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant 
and whatever a sun will always sing is you 

here is the deepest secret nobody knows 
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud 
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows 
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) 
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart 

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

E.E. Cummings

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

one day i'm sure of it

you are
the side of the scale that always tips in my favor
by one
balancing the chaos of my words run wild
promised not to rest
until you'd hunted each of them
their blood drips from your kill shot
by drop
like brush strokes
without criteria
till all of a sudden
there was space for what i lacked inside the picture you were painting

i'll speak freely
if you promise to keep a sharpened spear
i'll tell stories
if you promise to hold my wine glass

and one day,
i'm sure of it
my songs will make rivers flow from your finger tips
just give me time
enough time to learn how to make rivers flow from finger tips -
most folks seem to get their words right the first time
i always wondered what that would be like - 
so please be patient
my words are mazes
but they do not
all lead to dead ends
there is a finish line
one day
i'm sure of it

until then and ever after
my hopes are yours only for the taking
make them your mast
and my promises your keel
set sail my dear
we are out there somewhere
and i am confident the well inside your desert holds my reflection,
so said the little prince,
"what makes the desert beautiful
is that somewhere it hides a well."

Saturday, March 7, 2015

to the church of the unsung heroes

to the front pew sitters 
the back pew sitters 
those scattered about but yet you always know exactly where they’ll be, sitters 
thank you 

to the early arrivers
those right on time 
and all the rest of us 
thank you 

to the hand raisers 
the amen sayers
and the ones unafraid to sing off pitch 
thank you 

to the parking lot traffic directors 
the front door greeters 
and those i count on for a friendly smile 
thank you 

to Orestes 
Carmen, Herbert, Julio
and anyone else who helps to prepare coffee before the service
(a huge) thank you

to the power point makers 
the bulletin printers 
the hander outers 
thank you

to the sound board runners 
the music planners
the singers, the drummer, and the instrument players
thank you

to the announcement makers 
the psalm readers 
and the reflection and prayer leaders 
thank you

to the offering takers 
the faithful and cheerful givers 
the counters, the budgeters, and decision makers 
thank you  

to the preacher 
those are huge shoes to stand in 
on top of everything else that life calls you to
so thank you

to the baby holders 
the sunday school children molders 
those working the spaces farthest away from the spotlight, 
thank you

to whomever makes that magical list of refreshment providers 
the crock pot bean dip bringers 
the sliced watermelon suppliers, the PriceMart donut and sweet bread buyers
thank you

to the tree house builders 
the rope swing pushers
and the church librarian 
thank you

to those departing sometime soon 
those not going anywhere 
those still giving up their own lives to make those of others so much better 
thank you

to the small group leaders 
the youth group overseer
the home openers, the meal sharers, and the ride givers  
thank you

to the elders
and all those willing to lend an ear 
my darkest secrets have never felt so safe, 
and forgiven 
so thank you 

to you whom i call friends 
to you whom i have still yet to meet
these are the moments where we realize how wonderful eternity will be
so thank you  

what i have learned over the last three and some years, 
is that church is not just a building
and that love is not simply measured in our outward expressions, 
rather a church is a family of unsung heroes 
about whom god says i will cause them to love in ways that cannot be found anywhere else on the planet 
and love, is like space that we make inside ourselves for others to fit inside
along with all their imperfections 
thank you for making so much space inside yourselves for me here at Union Church 
you are the flame to my wicks 
and I am 10,000 fireworks 
aglow like the Salvadoran new year 
i have so much reason to look forward to heaven, 
god willing i’ll surely see you before
but if not, we’ll meet there 
you can find me an the heavenly refreshment table 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

two twenty one fifteen

there is something admirable
about - 
wearing just the right amount of clothes 
when the weather is cold

it is a balance,
a tipping point 
one can acknowledge their humanness 
yet communicate confidence 
of having dressed accordingly  
yet not superfluously 

it is an art form in my opinion 
i think we all can agree 
there is nothing worse 
than being cold, 
so the tendency would be 
‘better safe than sorry’
how arresting is she
who is warm enough
without too many coats!

if i had one wish tonight 
it would be for
without excess

Sunday, February 15, 2015

only and more beautifully

i don't suppose 
that eternity (or the life after this)
looks and feels anything like we could imagine it to
i want this life
to look and feel most like preparing myself for each of the endless possibilities 

i drink coffee every morning 
first, because i like it 
and second, because it permits me the daily opportunity 
to start out on the note of having gotten something right 

i like to think there will be coffee in eternity 
but if there isn't 
i like to imagine each day, 
(or whatever it is that marks the beginning of everything there),  
will be a constant state of getting something right. 

i love a woman
first, because she is lovely
and second, because she makes me believe that each and every day
really can be as colorful as everything we ever dreamed of;
and yet our love,  
is the slow release 
of all belief 
that blue skies 
are what we even wanted in the first place  
she said
"i want love
to be first place,  
and at that 
to be deeper than the weather forecast; 
i have seen enough grey skies 
to know that the only thing that matters is the hand in mine;
and the someone beside 
to remind us that we
are stronger than all this;
i need you to be stronger than all this." 
so i say love
is not an acquired taste 
or some learned trait, 
but rather the 
permitting of she
to enter deep enough 
to draw out the eternity in me 
i never knew was hiding inside to begin with, 
so that i, 
can be stronger than all this. 

i once thought love
existed to make life better;
i soon learned that love 
is more simply 
a retelling of life's universal struggles, 
and more beautifully, 
with someone alongside encouraging you to keep struggling

i like to imagine that she'll be mine in eternity, 
because i'm certain that love will always be
more simply
a retelling of life's eternal struggles
and more beautifully 
with someone to bring an end to the struggling 

i don't suppose 
that eternity (or the life after this)
looks and feels anything like we could imagine it to
i want today
to look and feel most like preparing ourselves 
and more and more beautifully, 
for the love we're certain of. 

Saturday, January 31, 2015

i am not so bad at basketball

i am not so bad at basketball 
i am not so good either 
maybe that's what draws me so strongly to the game these last few days 

there is a public middle school near my buddy's house 
with an outdoor court, 
that at night 
i can always make it to 
for an hour or so before the sun sets,
time of night when the beauty of day 
meets the beauty of night
like love at first sight

i shoot
i dribble
i drive down the lane 
and attempt to roll the basketball
gently from my finger tips into the basket,
sometimes i relive the former games i've played
sometimes i dream about the ones i wish i had,
and sometimes I think about nothing but the life before me 
and the life behind
all my rights, 
and all my wrongs,
like wins and losses
and i wonder how i'll ever make the playoffs.
then i shoot some more.
i am 27 years old, 
but it still feels incredible 
when you hit 
nothing but net, 
and the sound of the chains ring out for an audience of school busses. 
maybe that's what draws me so strongly to the game these last few days

I have never been so good at basketball, 
yet i was never so bad either 
maybe that's why coaches kept me around 
i was
about the only player in the history of the game who could
ride the bench with such esteem
to still leave the gym with the homecoming queen
but sincerely, 
i hustled, 
made practice competitive, 
and could perform well enough in warm-ups to make the opposing coach think we had the reserve squad of the 96 Chicago Bulls. 
warm-ups were my fourth quarter, 
and to this day, 
no high school junior has ever made so much of glossy blue and gold tear aways. 

in my defense, 
i did earn a starting spot by my senior year
for at least a game or two
or three, 
and on one of those 
i scored my varsity career high of 11 points in front of a home crowd
but i'll say this, 
any love of mine 
for basketball
and anything else for that matter 
is not paved in my successes, 
my love 
for basketball
for life 
and the women I keep in the deepest depths of my hopeful
is paved in the field between the outdoor courts and my buddy's house
the daily afterwork trek, 
and each of my attempts to make the chains ring out 
for a sold out crowd of the rising moon and last rays of sunlight 

i am not so bad at basketball
i am not so good either
maybe that's what draws me so strongly to the game these last few days