Monday, February 22, 2016

as i learn to read a treasure map

before i learned to read a treasure map 
the x that marks the spot
was a final destination
a series of directions 
before me like permissions
to reach a buried fortune. 
before i learned to read a treasure map 
i was always moving on 
always wanting something more
always this thing to the next  
always struggling toward 
that which i was searching for. 
so when i reached the shore 
i was certain i had made it, 
only to be greeted 
by a billion other sailors 
bored and empty handed. 

as i learn to read a treasure map 
the x that marks the spot 
became uncounted destinations
unending invitations 
before me like permissions
to come slowly.  
as i learn to read a treasure map
we are one clue at a time
always constant
like the rolling of the waves
always returning like the sun
unearthing its own beauty. 
so when today is but the ocean to sail 
and tomorrow
simply the horizon i am watching,
i no longer wish for all the answers 
and she is always reason
to find the treasure in the searching. 

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