Monday, April 9, 2012

if you give a professor fifteen minutes, he only assumed to give a beautiful stranger as long as it takes

you ordered your coffee,
a second guessing,
pure told black,
through a chemex,
and i watched you,
watching minutes,
letting your lips steep
in steam,
before sipping, and
releasing it back out
your murmuring
like rain clouds
over summer hu -
midity swallowed

the last dregs, and
folded your book,
the final
of self-conscious,
cast off like wrinkles
on your,
straightened pant leg
as you stood.

finding a stoop outside the shop
you indicated undecided on
but rather stared patience
into the dying cicada,
upturned near your shoe lace,
when a voice down the alley,
called "please,
don't be angry."

you responded,
but quietly,
from your stomach,
staying only
to polite the wrong.
i suppose you did have limits after all,
and long past chatter,
you said you'd walk
as far as the bus stop,
as she attempted to otherwise
convince her(apologetic
she didn't have reason, to
cover her mouth
with both hands.

i imagined you,
saying not to call
from the lonely
cup, of
now filled,
fresh resolve;
that perhaps she might
still something,
that she might.

you backed passed
near my staring,
stretched out hand,
with words
'i'd love to buy you coffee'
but extending,
with reality and newness,
"thanks but,"
"i already had one."

my curiosity
turned your shirt sleeve.
"who was she?
what just happened?"
(second inhale)
"if you give a professor fifteen minutes,
i only assumed to give a beautiful stranger as long as it takes.
some days they turn up,
most days it doesn't seem to change anything either way."

you smiled and made your exit.

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