Monday, January 16, 2017

the light of today, is all yours

i don't blame you 
for taking all the wind out of my sails.
we both know i would've found a way toward you 
had you given me even the faintest of breezes.
my ship was never the steadiest of vessels,
and yet somehow we always found our way to your shores.
now i'm searching all its bends and curves 
for a way to make them still feel like my own. 
so i climbed as high as i could
and lit thirty candles 
with the sun for a flame
on the the wicks of the Los Angeles skyline.
i wished on every last one
for you to find the strength to embrace all the happiness in the world you have always deserved. 
happy birthday to wherever you are. 
i wrapped up the sun,
tied it with a string,
and sent it once around the earth like a balloon, 
hoping it will find you in the morning. 
the light of today, is all yours.

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