Tuesday, June 27, 2017

one way ticket

all my roads 
feel like a one way 
ticket to a cliffs edge. 
in all of my dreams i 
jump before look
ing to the bottom of the canyon 
and a miniature trampoline
hoping to bounce my way 
to the other 
end of these train tracks 
i still wait 
for your ear to press a
gainst. i still keep 
mine held tightly to the steel. i 
will always be 
at your other end i am 
always at your finish line. 
come barrel
ing around my corners 
please come train 
wreck me you know 
i spent every last pen
ny on our one way 
ticket to catastrophe   
but goddam you 
have never made me happi
er to have been so foolish. 


Unknown said...

Love this one Michael. Thanks for sharing.

Michael Justin Kaiser said...

Thanks Mike!