Wednesday, March 7, 2012

days i dream of august

the only words i dare say

are days,
from another somewhere,
when i,
fit our longings into us
and her brown eyes into my
earth-stained forever,
the forever we both promised, the
it's already august,
the september twenty fifths
and the
fourth st. of daisies
there is a ledge that stands
up to the entrance
of your hello,
and a cliff behind
your i don’t
love you anymore.
without harness,
below steepness,
your facade
invites reckless
for the pure sake of the view within
your come find me
i was cautious
simply want this
but said
you needed to summit
by sunset
and couldn't wait
for the chance to miss it
so i penned my name coward,
on the heels of your
i want us,
because i didn't
climb with you

because i
feared falling, because
i feared a horizon
of not looking out together,
all the while you
knew of places to rest,
that even though you climbed higher
faster, you said
you’d be patient
while i took breath
i was cautious
unlike days i dream
of August,
on that baseball field
in a rain storm,
racing puddles
into fairytales,
where all the clay,
from our head first
plot lines,
weather braving
birds into our soundtrack
if baseball fields
were castles,
and your bare feet chasing mine,
the kiss that broke spells
and ever after,

we transcended fiction,
and became
sleeping beauties and princes
and all the clay,
washed from my striped shirt and jeans
from your green sun dress and feet,
drips to my earth-stained forever,
goddamn i loved her knees

'Musique Seine Michel Bataille et Moi'
by Joan Miro

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